What's New - December (Release 2)

Track and Report Task Completion Time

We’ve introduced a new Time Taken field in Tasks, providing greater visibility into how long specific tasks take to complete, helping identify roadblocks in your process.

Key features:

  • Easily log the time spent when completing a task.

  • Monitor task durations for better efficiency insights.

  • The recorded time is now included in Task export reports, enabling detailed analysis.

Client Engagement Updates

We’ve made some updates to the Client Engagement App to improve the user experience for you and your client. The updated interface is designed to make it easier for both you and your clients to identify any incomplete mandatory fields, including incomplete questionnaires. With new prompts added to avoid confusion

Each section is now more accessible, helping you quickly review and complete required fields.


Enhanced Task Tracking with New Filters

In addition to the above time taken, we’ve also expanded the task search filters and widgets to give you more control over task management.

The new filter makes it easier to distinguish and track standalone tasks and those within workflows.


Outlook Integration

In case you missed it, we have also released our Outlook integration to make filing emails directly to DASH simple. This is now available for all DASH users.