Welcome to your training journey
As the DASH Champion, you will lead the setup to ensure everything runs smoothly.
This guided training journey will teach you everything you need to know to get set up. Once complete, then choose the next training journey based on what you'll be doing in DASH
The DASH Champion Training Journey covers:
Introduction to DASH
Setting up for Success
Ensure your account is setup to get the best use of DASH
Ongoing Client Management tools
Intro to Agreements and Workflows
Client Reporting
Once complete, choose the next training journey based on your role:
Comprehensive DASH User
This covers everything from creating contacts, using the Client Engagement app for fact find data capture, data entry, file notes, advice generation and presentation.
Using apps to conduct product research/comparison, the archer modelling and SOA/ROA generation
Client Services/Admin
Creating contacts, data entry, using the client engagement app for fact find data capture, using file notes