Customising the SOA/ROA Template
All DASH users have access to the standard DASH SOA/ROA template and/or their AFSL provided template.
Should you require customisations, our Adviser Solutions team can assist.
Before looking into the specifics of template customisation, we highly recommend spending some time during your 30-day trial period to become acquainted with the process of generating Statements of Advice (SOA) using DASH. Understanding the standard process of SOA generation will help determine and communicate any customisation needs you might have.
The Customisation Process is as follows:
Review the standard DASH SOA template.
Determine what changes you’d like to make.
Mark up these changes on the sample SOA (Word based): either add comments or if wording changes are required, please track changes when editing wording/text.
Send your changes to us for review. We may have further discussions with you to clarify your requirements.
We will provide a quote for the work (if required) and timeframe. We may not charge for minor customisation such as static or fixed wording changes or adding descriptions for risk profiles.
Work will commence once agreement from you is received.