Create a SMSF, Company or Trust (Relationships)

We recommend creating the individual contact first, then create the other entity, then link the two together.

  1. Within Contacts, select the plus icon to create a new contact

  2. Select the client type - SMSF, Company or Trust

  3. Input as much information as you have, select Create

Add relationships (link Client and Entity)

Once an SMSF, Company or Trust contact has been created, it's time to link this with an Individual, and assign the members, trustees, directors and/or corporate trustees.

  1. From within the new Entity contact, navigate to the Relationships tab.

  1. Unselect the New tickbox, to allow the search option to appear. Search for the individual client.

  2. In the Role field, select one of the following:

    1. Member

    2. Trustee

    3. Director

  3. Next, navigate to the Individual Contact > Relationships page. You will notice the SMSF is marked as "Not Tagged". Edit this and add the Tag (SMSF, Company or Trust)